Monday, October 22, 2012

The .Net Builder Pattern...

"When we have an application that need to create an object which has to be constructed using many different objects, we find our client code cluttered with the details of the various Part objects that needs to be assembled together to create the resulting object.
To illustrate on above point let us take an example of mobile phone manufacturing system. Lets assume that we have a system installed at one of the mobile phone vendors. Now the manufacturer may decide to create a phone based on parameters like Touchscreen, Operating System, Battery and Stylus. Now if we have the objects for all these parts then creation of product with any combination of above parts would lead to a very complex and unmanageable code in the client application i.e. the module that will decide what kind of phone needs to be built.
Builder pattern is meant to solve such problems. GoF defines Builder pattern as:
Separate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different representations."

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